12-06-2011, 01:25 AM
ديمي لوفاتو عادت الى مركز العلاج كضيفه تتكلم عن تجربتها Demi Lovato Returns To Treatm ديمي , لوفاتو , عادت , الى , مركز , العلاج , كضيفه , تتكلم , عن , تجربتها , Demi , Lovato , Returns , To , Treatm ديمي لوفاتو عادت الى مركز العلاج كضيفه تتكلم عن تجربتها Since leaving an Illinois treatment center earlier this year, Demi Lovato has been doing her part to encourage young women to face their problems and deal with them head on. Lovato, who had received treatment at Timberline Knolls for several months to deal with issues ranging from cutting to eating disorders, tweeted about her return visit to treatment over the weekend. “Wow what an inspiring day … Many tears were shed and many memories were brought back at Timberline Knolls today,” she wrote on Sunday, a year after she first entered the facility. “Today I went back to the treatment center I went to last year to speak to the beautiful women fighting their inner demons. was so honored.” Lovato hasn’t been shy about letting people in on her personal journey over the past 12 months, and she said that speaking at the center was a culmination of that experience. “To be able to share my story and let them know that it gets easier … Life is beautiful … you are worthy of it. Please say a prayer for all of those struggling with eating disorders, self-harm, mood disorders, and substance abuse,” she said. Since leaving Timberline Knolls, Lovato has focused on her music career, including the release of her album Unbroken and going out on a tour. She plans to release the track “Give Your Heart a Break” as her next single, a report she confirmed on Twitter. In September, she shared with MTV News that she planned to release “Who’s That Boy” as a single off the album as well. ديمي لوفاتو بالامس عادت الى مركز العلاج اللي تعالجت فيه لشهور من اضطراب الاكل كمتحدثه تتكلم فيه عن تجربتها و شجعت النساء الشابات ع مواجهه مشكلاتهم و التعامل معها و كتبت بالتويتر : “Wow what an inspiring day … Many tears were shed and many memories were brought back at Timberline Knolls today,” “Today I went back to the treatment center I went to last year to speak to the beautiful women fighting their inner demons. was so honored.” و إيفا لونغوريا سوت ريتويت لديمي كدعم لها و كتبت لها “So proud of u Demi!” ديمي ماخجلت من مشاركتها لناس لقصتها و قالت ديمي ان التحدث عن تلك التجربه في مركز العلاج كانت كتتويج لتجربتها و قالت انه ترك الناس يعرفون قصتها و يشاركون فيها سهل عليها الامر و تخطط ديمي لاطلاق اغنيه “Give Your Heart a Break” كسينغل اليديد بعد تورها الحالي
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مجلة الشموخ الثقافية - رابط الموضوع الأصلي : ديمي لوفاتو عادت الى مركز العلاج كضيفه تتكلم عن تجربتها Demi Lovato Returns To Treatm |