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alshmo5 12-03-2011 07:04 PM

ماري جي بلايج: كنت اظن بأني ابدو كالحيوان القبيح Mary J Blige: I thought I Looked Lik

ماري جي بلايج: كنت اظن بأني ابدو كالحيوان القبيح Mary J Blige: I thought I Looked Lik


Mary J. Blige use to think she was ugly. In a new interview with an Australian newspaper, Mary J. Blidge admits she was insecure about the way she Looked and used drugs and alcohol to get through her pain. Blige also claimed she suffered physical beatings from former boyfriend, singer K-Ci Hailey.

“I used to think I was ugly,” she said. “I thought I Looked like a camel. A person who doesn’t love themselves, they will see anything that pops up on their face. I’ve seen squirrels, I’ve seen a bird, I’ve seen all kinds of animals on my face. But that is the result of self-hate. I’ve learned to say: ‘You know what? I am a beautiful black woman’.

“I beat alcohol dependence and drug addiction. A lot happened to me during my childhood. As I got older, these things resurfaced. In order to deal with it and in order to cope without it hurting so bad, I drowned it in alcohol and drugs. It lessened the pain for that moment. I started at 16 years old. By the time I got into the music business, it was bigger than me.

“I overcame an abusive relationship by learning to love myself.

“When you realize people are going to treat you the way you treat yourself, you begin to treat yourself better.

“I understood what Rihanna went through with Chris Brown. I don’t want to comment on it. But I know exactly what they were both going through.”
lhvd [d fghd[: ;kj h/k fHkd hf], ;hgpd,hk hgrfdp Mary J Blige: I thought Looked Lik

الساعة الآن 12:52 PM.

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