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alshmo5 12-02-2011 03:55 PM

ديمي مور وحبيبها الجديد ! Demi Moore and Her NEW Boyfriend Scott-Vincent Borba!

ديمي مور وحبيبها الجديد ! Demi Moore and Her NEW Boyfriend Scott-Vincent Borba!


only recently announced that she planned to divorce her husband Ashton Kutcher, but according to sources close to the actress, the 49-year-old is already moving right along - with beauty mogul Scott-Vincent Borba!
The insiders explain:
“Demi and Scott-Vincent started dating last week. They have known each other a long time and he’s really been there for her by her side through the whole Ashton thing. It’s easy for Scott-Vincent to keep his relationships a secret because he’s so often photographed hanging out with celebrity clientele. But he’s head over heels for Demi and there’s definitely potential for a lasting relationship between them.”
]dld l,v ,pfdfih hg[]d] ! Demi Moore and Her NEW Boyfriend Scott-Vincent Borba!

الساعة الآن 11:49 PM.

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