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قديم 11-18-2011, 05:44 AM

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  alshmo5 غير متواجد حالياً  
الملف الشخصي

افتراضي تحميل اغنية جديده Download Hello Cold World by Paramore MP3


For months now, we've promised that we'd be releasing some new songs before the end of the year. Well, here is where we finally make good on all of that. We are very happy to announce the Paramore Singles Club that will be happening throughout the rest of the year. This club is our way of getting these songs directly to the Paramore family. The only place you will be able to get them is on Paramore.net so think of these songs as our little secret to you.
As most of you already know, when we went into the studio at the beginning of the year to record "Monster" we also recorded a few other songs. By now, you might've heard an acoustic version of "In The Mourning" on the YouTubez and you might've caught a clip of "Renegade" at the beginning of our "From The Field" Warped Tour webisodes or live at the FBR15 show in NYC. There is one, however, that should be completely brand-spankin' new to all of you and that one, dear friends, is entitled "Hello Cold World".
If you join, you will get a Download of one of the songs every couple of weeks and at the end of it, we'll send you a limited edition 7" box set. We're only making 3,500 of these sets which include four 7" records - one for each of the new songs plus "Monster". We'll have more details for you about the artwork and packaging as soon as it's totally finished.
We really wanted to do something special for all of you around the holidays to thank you for making 2011 so amazing and sticking with us as we go into 2012 and start working on the new album. So, without making this any longer than it already is, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for believing in us.
We are Paramore,
Hayley, Jeremy, Taylor

feel happy, I feel sad, I feel like running through the walls
I'm overjoyed, I'm undecided, I don't know who I am
Well maybe I'm not perfect, at least I'm working on it
22 is like the worst idea that I have ever had
It's too much pain, it's too much freedom, what should I do with this?
It's not the way you plan it, it's how you make it happen
Yeah, it's how you make it happen
It's such a cold, Cold World (hello Cold world) and I can't get out
So I'll just make the best of everything I'll never have
Such a cold, Cold World (hello Cold world) and it's got me down
But I'll get right back up as long as it spins around
Hello Cold World
Girls and boys keep lining up to see if they can measure up
They look good and they feel wild, but it won't never be enough
You say you're really hurting, at least you're feeling something
We can hope and we can pray that everything would work out fine
You can't just stay out on your knees, the revolution is outside
You wanna make a difference, get out and go and get it
Whoah, get out and go and get it
It's such a cold, Cold World (hello Cold world) and I can't get out
So I'll just make the best of everything I'll never have
Such a cold, Cold World (hello Cold world) and it's got me down
But I'll get right back up as long as it spins around
Hello Cold World
Don't need my eyes open
Oh I, I just want to feel something
It's such a cold, Cold World (hello Cold world) and I can't get out
So I'll just make the best of everything I'll never have
Such a cold, Cold World (hello Cold world) and it's got me down
But I'll get right back up as long as it spins around (spins around)
Oh, whoah oh oh,
Oh, whoah oh oh, Hello Cold World
Oh, whoah oh oh,
Oh, whoah oh oh, Hello Cold world

الـا غنيـه نسخهـ وااضحه
سي يـااا

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تحميل, اغنية, جديده, Download, Hello, Cold, World, by, Paramore, MP3

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المواضيع المتشابهه الموضوع: تحميل اغنية جديده Download Hello Cold World by Paramore MP3
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى الردود آخر مشاركة
تحميل اغنية جديده Download Hello Cold World by Paramore MP3 سحر العجمي منتدى الفن 1 11-18-2011 02:02 PM
تحميل اغنية موهومبي Download Full Mp3 Mohombi The World Is Dancing سحر العجمي منتدى الفن 2 10-20-2011 07:27 PM
تحميل البوم جي كول الجديد J. Cole Full Album Download MP3 - Cole World alshmo5 مجلة الشموخ الثقافية 0 10-05-2011 12:10 AM
تحميل اغنية جديده كات دلونا (Download Full HQ Mp3 // Kat DeLuna - Drop It Low (2011 سحر العجمي منتدى الفن 3 05-21-2011 08:18 PM
تحميل اغنية جديده كات دلونا (Download Full HQ Mp3 // Kat DeLuna - Drop It Low (2011 alshmo5 مجلة الشموخ الثقافية 0 04-26-2011 08:42 AM


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