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اشواريا راي تنجب طفلتها الاولى ! Aishwarya Ray Delivered Baby Girl http://img.mawaly.com/images/news/zx...1321503196.jpg أعلن ابهيشيك باتشان ابن النجم الهندي الشهير اميتاب باتشان وزوج النجمة الهندية ايشواريا راي في صفحته على موقع تويتر للتدوين المصغر يوم الاربعاء أنه وزوجته رزقا بمولودة. وبينما اكتفى الاب بكتابة "انها بنت" على تويتر لم يتمالك باتشان الجد سعادته وكتب في صفحته على تويتر "أصبحت جدا لاجمل مولودة." ولم تتوفر تفاصيل أخرى على الفور. وتزوجت راي (38 عاما) والتي فازت من قبل بلقب ملكة جمال العالم من باتشان الابن وهو ممثل أيضا قبل أكثر من أربع سنوات وظل الزوجان ينفيان شائعات حول حمل راي الى أن تأكد الحمل في يونيو حزيران. وكان من المتوقع أن تلد راي في نوفمبر تشرين الثاني وتابعت وسائل الاعلام الهندية حملها الاول بشغف. ونقلت راي الى مستشفى “سيفن هيلز” في مومباي مساء يوم الاثنين. واحتلت راي كثيرا مكانا على قوائم النساء الاجمل وفازت بلقب ملكة جمال العالم عام 1994 . وبدأت بعد ذلك مسيرة ناجحة في بوليوود عاصمة السينما الهندية ومثلت في أفلام مثل (ديفداس). وقدمت راي أيضا أفلاما في هوليوود مثل الجزء الثاني من فيلم النمر الوردي كما أنها ضيفة دائمة في مهرجان كان السينمائي الدولي. والمولودة الجديدة هي الحفيد الثالث لباتشان الاب حيث أنجبت ابنته شويتا اثنين. Aishwarya Rai has delivered a baby girl on November 16, and speculation has begun about how the little one will look and what her future will be like. Since we don’t know the baby’s birth time, our in-house astro-numerologist Bhavikk Sangghvi has made a prediction with the numbers. As of now, we only know the baby’s date of birth adds up to 4 – November 16, 2011, so 16+11+2011 = 4. Baby B’s destiny number is 4, while her brith number is 7 (1+6). Here’s what Sangghvi says, “The girl was born on November 16, 2011 which makes her a number 7 (Ketu) person in numerology. Since she is ruled by number 7, she is automatically ruled by number 2 (Moon). Like mom Ash, she is also a Scorpio by her Sun sign and hence ruled by number 9 (Mars) while her destiny number adds up to number 4 (Rahu). Her moon sun is Gemini (Mithun) and so her name should ideally start with the alphabet ‘K’ while her ascendant is Sagittarius (Dhan)”. On how her nature will be, he says, “She will be a sensitive child always in need of love. Needless to say, she will be pampered by the Bachchans. I would advise the parents to make her wear a Hessonite (Gomed) stone after five years of age. As far as her career is concerned, she should be good at creative, media or artistic fields just like her family”. “She has a fantastic travel line and should be lucky in terms of property investment. However she should avoid any partnership business,” adds Sangghvi. On the negative side, he says, “She has a Pitru dosh’ in her birth chart for which a puja needs to be conducted for the same. Plus she also has a ‘Rahu dosh’ and just like her mom, her ‘kumbh vivah’ needs to be conducted before marriage or post the age of 18. Late marriage is advisable. Not before 29 for sure.” Sangghvi says the baby will be the apple of her grandfather’s eye. “She will gel best with her Dadaji, as numbers 2 and 7 always go hand in hand. While Amitabh Bachchan is Number 2 (11th October 1942), she is Number 7. The next to be most compatible with her will be mom Aishwarya as numbers 1, 2, 4 and 7 are primarily considered to be a ‘family’ of numbers and Aishwarya (November 1, 1973) fits in to this bracket perfectly,” he says. “Luckily enough, her Mithun rashi, ruled by number 5 (Mercury), is dad Abhishek’s birth number and so the equation with dad too won’t be that much of a problem, but she would still remain a ‘momma’s girl’. “Grandmom Jaya Bachchan and the baby would have difference of opinion at every step, but since both are commonly ruled by Mars (Jaya is an Arian ruled by number 9 and also born on 9th April 1948), that would do some damage control,” says he. Wishing good health to the mother and the newborn |
رد: اشواريا راي تنجب طفلتها الاولى ! Aishwarya Ray Delivered Baby Girl الله يعطيك الصحة والعافية وبوركت كل الجهود الوافية |
الساعة الآن 12:29 PM. |
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