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-   -   فيديو لإمرأه تتهجم على أشر - Usher Attacked By Screaming Lady (http://www.alshmo5.com/vb/t30227.html)

alshmo5 10-29-2011 04:23 AM

فيديو لإمرأه تتهجم على أشر - Usher Attacked By Screaming Lady
Last weekend, Ush was trying to have a lowkey day and some Halloween fun when he was Attacked in the parking lot of a Little Five Points store by a Screaming lady. According to a video obtained by TMZ, the woman became furious when he parked in a handicap parking spot and proceeded to attack him when he wouldn’t move his car

It’s bad enough she was making a scene in the parking lot…but her kids were on hand to see her acting a plum fool. They can be heard in the background screaming. Meanwhile Usher didn’t appear to have any bodyguards on deck but Elvis Presley and other onlookers helped keep the woman off of him

td]d, gYlvHi jji[l ugn Hav - Usher Attacked By Screaming Lady

الساعة الآن 12:30 PM.

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