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-   -   Jennifer Aniston: Elle's Women in Hollywood Tribute with Reese Witherspoon! (http://www.alshmo5.com/vb/t29724.html)

alshmo5 10-19-2011 06:30 PM

Jennifer Aniston: Elle's Women in Hollywood Tribute with Reese Witherspoon!

Jennifer Aniston sparkles in silver at Elle’s 18th Annual Women in Hollywood Tribute held at the Four Seasons Hotel on Monday (October 17) in Beverly Hills, Calif.

The 42-year-old actress was joined at the event by her beau Justin Theroux, and her pal Reese Witherspoon, who wore a navy blue Bocanegra suit!
Jennifer is being honored at the event among many other film actresses including Freida Pinto and Evan Rachel Wood, to name a few.
Jennifer Aniston: Elle's Women in Hollywood Tribute with Reese Witherspoon!

الساعة الآن 12:44 PM.

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