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قديم 10-12-2011, 03:54 PM

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افتراضي صور كيم كارداشيان لدى وصولها الى الفندق في دبي !! Kim Kardashian Arrives In Dubai PHO

صور كيم كارداشيان لدى وصولها الى الفندق في دبي !! Kim Kardashian Arrives In Dubai PHO

كارداشيان وصولها الفندق Kardashian Arrives
كارداشيان وصولها الفندق Kardashian Arrives
كارداشيان وصولها الفندق Kardashian Arrives

Just touched down in Dubai! I’m so happy to be here!” tweeted Kim Kardashian on Wednesday morning.
Yes, she’s finally here.
The reality star landed in Dubai on an Emirates flight from New York, tweeting of the flight, “Serious Sex & The City swag going on, on this airplane to Dubai! The best plane I’ve ever been on!!! Dubai are u ready???”.
She was quickly whisked through the VIP area of Dubai International Airport and headed straight to her hotel, Atlantis, which she had specifically requested for her visit.
“Just touched down in Dubai! I’m so happy to be here!” tweeted Kim Kardashian on Wednesday morning.
Yes, she’s finally here.
The reality star landed in Dubai on an Emirates flight from New York, tweeting of the flight, “Serious Sex & The City swag going on, on this airplane to Dubai! The best plane I’ve ever been on!!! Dubai are u ready???”.
She was quickly whisked through the VIP area of Dubai International Airport and headed straight to her hotel, Atlantis, which she had specifically requested for her visit.
She’ll spend the day there on Wednesday, going to the spa and having lunch in a VIP cabana at Nasimi, where she will feast on Mediterranean and Asian food.
She’ll then head to Dolphin Bay and finish with an evening camel ride, reveal our sources. Her mother Kris is expected to arrive shortly, having come in on a separate flight.
tabloid! has some of the first pictures of her arrival at the Palm-based hotel, which she describes as “insane”. “Wow I’m in such awe over Dubai! My hotel is so, insane, can’t wait to do some blogs & show u guys! Too much to tweet! I’m obsessed with Dubai!,” she tweeted.
Dubai schedule

The oldest of the Kardashian clan has big plans for her UAE trip and an even bigger schedule to keep.
Everything from designing a Kim-inspired abaya to creating a Kardashian cupcake has been offered to the American who is travelling to Dubai to open the first Millions of Milkshakes store outside of the US.
tabloid! brings you an exclusive sneak peek at Kardashian’s schedule so far, giving fans the chance to get on the ground and attempt to catch a glimpse of the newly-married reality star.
Wednesday, October 12; am: Lands at Dubai International Airport. She’ll arrive at the VIP terminal where she’ll be hastily bundled into a black Escalade and whisked to her Dubai hotel. Inside gossip: She says she’s already looking forward to the sun but is a bit worried about the heat because she’s not sure what to expect.
In her room: Rumour has it there are more than 50 Dubai businesses vying for Kardashian’s attention with requests to place gifts in her hotel suite. Kitsch cupcakes have created a “Welcome to Dubai” cupcake especially for Kardashian, while the master baker at the store is also hard at work finishing a giant cake in the shape of the Burj Khalifa. Emirati abaya designer Hind Al Mutawa, of Nabrman Fashion and Designs, has whipped up two local dresses for both Kardashian and her mum. Hind is hoping the ladies will don her creations and embrace the local culture of the UAE.
Wednesday, October 12: Atlantis all day. Kardashian requested to stay at the hotel specifically. No doubt the first friends she’ll meet will be Aquaventure’s resident dolphins. The shutes and slides of the park are certain to draw the reality queen and her E! crew as she’s renowned for her fun personality.
Thursday, October 13: Media time. “Kim is always happy to meet the media who provide her local fans a window to her world,” said her spokesman. A press conference will take place to officially welcome Kim to Dubai.
Thursday night: Desert tour. Following in the footsteps of Paris Hilton, Kardashian says she wants to ride a camel and witness the wonder of the Arabian sands. Tip: A bellydancer is always worth a look too.
Friday, October 14; 6.30pm: It’s into “work mode” as Kardashian and her mum, Kris Jenner, attend the Millions of Milkshakes store opening at The Dubai Mall. The reality star will create and unveil her own signature milkshake for the Middle East which is rumoured to be the most expensive shake ever made. Only in Dubai!
Friday, October 14; 8.30pm: Kardashian and her mum will be interviewed live at The Dubai Mall’s Fashion Catwalk and will talk candidly about their first experience in Dubai, their signature milkshakes and what is next for the reality TV stars.
Friday, October 14, 9.30pm: A gala dinner at At.mosphere has been organised in her honour. Strict VIP entry only.
Saturday, October 15; am: Kardashian and Kris are said to be attending more “meet and greets” but this time in Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi Film Festival were hoping Kardashian would grace the red carpet at their fifth festival but an insider confirmed she has sent her sincere apologies. Gossip: She may have turned down the red carpet invite but Kardashian may still head to the festival VIP gift lounge where she could pick up anything from a Marc Jacobs dress to Moet & Chandon personalised magnums of champagne.
Saturday, October 15; from 5-7pm: At Sephora Dubai Mall where her signature fragrances are exclusively stocked, she’ll be signing autographs and meeting customers.
Saturday, October 15; 8.30pm: It’s back up to Abu Dhabi for dinner courtesy of Emirates Hospitality at Al Han Restaurant. Staff will serve traditional Arabic mezze, mixed grills, desserts, shishas and have even created a special dish with Kim in mind. Tip: if Kardashian wants any chance of making it here, there and everywhere a helicopter might be necessary, something which wouldn’t be a tall order in the UAE.
w,v ;dl ;hv]hadhk g]n ,w,gih hgn hgtk]r td ]fd !! Kim Kardashian Arrives In Dubai PHO

w,v ;dl ;hv]hadhk g]n ,w,gih hgn hgtk]r td ]fd !! Kim Kardashian Arrives In Dubai PHO w,v ;dl ;hv]hadhk g]n ,w,gih hgn hgtk]r td ]fd !! Kim Kardashian Arrives In Dubai PHO

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صور, كيم, كارداشيان, لدى, وصولها, الى, الفندق, في, دبي, !!, Kim, Kardashian, Arrives, In, Dubai, PHO

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المواضيع المتشابهه الموضوع: صور كيم كارداشيان لدى وصولها الى الفندق في دبي !! Kim Kardashian Arrives In Dubai PHO
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صور كيم كارداشيان لدى وصولها الى الفندق في دبي !! Kim Kardashian Arrives In Dubai PHO ساره الشهري منتدى الفن 2 10-12-2011 09:20 PM
صور : كيم كارداشيان في حفل توزيع جوائز Kim Kardashian arrives at the 2011 VH1 Do Some alshmo5 مجلة الشموخ الثقافية 0 08-17-2011 02:40 AM
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كيم كارداشيان قادمة الى دبي Kim Kardashian Is Going To Dubai alshmo5 مجلة الشموخ الثقافية 0 04-08-2011 02:06 PM


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