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صوره : توم كروز يلعب الآحصنه الدوآره مع بنته - Tom Cruise Rides with his daughter http://www-hollybaby-com.vimg.net/wp...1010185736.jpg Tom and Suri hit up the amusement park in Pittsburgh, Penn. — where Tom is on location for his new film. Aren’t they just the cutest?! Suri Cruise was all smiles as her superstar father spent the day with her riding the carousel! The 5-year-old and her dad looked like they were having a great time on the ride. The family is currently residing in Pittsburgh while Tom films his new movie One Shot, a thriller based on Lee Child’s crime novels. Tom is starring in the movie playing an ex-military officer, co-staring with Rosamund Pike and Robert Duvall. Wasn’t it so sweet of Tom to spend quality time with his daughter on his day off? What do you think, Hollymoms? Would you ride the carousel like Tom did? Sound off in your comments below. |
رد: صوره : توم كروز يلعب الآحصنه الدوآره مع بنته - Tom Cruise Rides with his daughter جـــهودك محل الثـــــناء والإجلال والتقدير ولك في نوافذ العطاءالمتميز وجود وتأثير |
رد: صوره : توم كروز يلعب الآحصنه الدوآره مع بنته - Tom Cruise Rides with his daughter شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية ... |
الساعة الآن 12:47 PM. |
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