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alshmo5 10-07-2011 01:51 PM

بالصور والفيديو: كايلي مينوغ تحصل على الدكتورا الفخريه لمكافحتها للسرطان Kylie Minogu

بالصور والفيديو: كايلي مينوغ تحصل على الدكتورا الفخريه لمكافحتها للسرطان Kylie Minogu




The singer who herself was diagnosed with disease in 2005, was made an honorary Doctor of Health Sciences by Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford, Southern England, the Herald Sun reported.

Wearing a doctoral cap and gown, Minogue told students at the graduation ceremony that being diagnosed with cancer made her "appreciate at first hand the hard work that goes on to support

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fhgw,v ,hgtd]d,: ;hdgd ldk,y jpwg ugn hg];j,vh hgtovdi gl;htpjih ggsv'hk Kylie Minogu

الساعة الآن 09:16 PM.

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