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alshmo5 09-12-2011 08:06 PM

الممثل برادلي كوبر حبيب جنيفر لوبيز الجديد؟ ?JLO and Bradley Cooper Out on a Date

الممثل برادلي كوبر حبيب جنيفر لوبيز الجديد؟ ?JLO and Bradley Cooper Out on a Date



Jennifer Lopez might be moving on from hubby Marc Anthony in a big way -- because last night she went out on a Date with Bradley Cooper ... TMZ has learned. We're told the two hit up Per Se, a restaurant located at Columbus Circle in New York City. We're told the dinner was "romantic" and was just the two of them. Lopez and Anthony announced their divorce on July 15.

hglleg fvh]gd ;,fv pfdf [kdtv g,fd. hg[]d]? ?JLO and Bradley Cooper Out on a Date

الساعة الآن 03:19 PM.

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