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غدير العازمي 08-26-2011 01:25 AM

برنامج الفيرفوكس ؟
برنامج الفيرفوكس المتصفح العملاق في اخر اصدار Mozilla Firefox 6.0

Mozilla Firefox 6.0 (ENG/FR) | 26.98 MB

Mozilla Firefox - faster, more secure, easier to use and sporting a new look, this latest Firefox release sets a new standard for web browser innovation. Mozilla Firefox project (formerly Firebird, which was formerly Phoenix) is a redesign of Mozilla's browser component, written using the XUL user interface language and designed to be cross-platform. It is small, fast and easy to use, and offers many advantages over other web browsers, such as the tabbed browsing and the ability to block pop-up windows.


احلام الماضي 08-28-2011 03:02 PM

رد: Mozilla Firefox 6.0

عبدالعزيز الفدغوش 08-29-2011 12:18 AM

رد: Mozilla Firefox 6.0
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