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فاطمه القحطاني 07-19-2011 04:00 AM

قائمة اغنى المغنيين Top 10 Music's Richest Stars

Black Eyed Peas
How does £526,000 a night sound? That's what the Black Eyed Peas tour brought in. Their promotion deals with Honda, Bacardi, Apple and American department store Target aided their ascension to £31 million


Toby Keith (tied): £31 million

Taking a leaf from Jay-Z's book, Toby Keith owns an ever growing chain of restaurants and has invested in several publishing companies, both of which earn him millions a year. Add that to a share of his £20 million-grossing tour and his right to a place in the top 10 becomes obvious


Coldplay (tied): £31 million

While touring to support/promote Viva La Vida (their 2008 album, for those who don't know) Coldplay raked in £69 million over 77 dates. Album and merchandise sales will have helped too


. Kenny Chesney: £32 million

Largely unknown outside the US Kenny Chesney made a killing with his tour, which grossed £47 million. The gigs brought in £1 million every night - nearly twice as much as competitor (and almost as unknown outside America) Keith Urban. His fortune was topped up by a few high-profile sponsors too.


Madonna: £38 million
It would be odd not to see Madonna on this list. The singer, author, model and designer (not to mention countless other things) held a £91 million-grossing tour and has a sizeable back catalogue of material on offer. Then there's the fact her music was licensed to the hit TV show Glee - that will have been worth a bit.


Lady Gaga: £40 million

Two-and-a-half years ago Lady Gaga was an unknown. Now she's worth £40 million. Her, um, unique brand of pop, videos and quirkiness helped her 106-date tour net a fortune. A slew of lucrative promotion deals will have been the cherry on top of her money ice cream.


Jay-Z: £41 million

Despite not being the breadwinner in his relationship (Beyoncé is at number three), Jay-Z's £41 million earnings aren't anything to scoff at. Investment in the New Jersey Nets basketball squad, Fela! (a Broadway show) and the 40/40 nightclub chain helped him earn his fortune. Oh, and the £660,000 a night Blueprint 3 tour probably didn't hurt.

Britney Spears: £42 million

Britney's £42 million number five spot comes as no surprise when you hear her 98-date tour raked in £85 million and her prominent Elizabeth Arden and Candies endorsement deals are still going strong. Britney will probably feature on this list for years to come...


Bruce Springsteen: £46 million

Two million tickets sold for his £110 million-grossing tour, loads of radio play and a pretty sterling back catalogue helped Bruce grab himself a cool £46 million


Beyoncé: £57 million

While hubby Jay-Z languishes in sixth place, Beyoncé sits pretty at number three having earned £57 million in the last year. Her 93-date tour made the majority of her money, while her many advertising deals topped it off


AC/DC: £75 million

Earning £75 million is no mean feat, but AC/DC managed it. Their £148 million-grossing, 99-date tour will have done most of the hard work, but we imagine doing the soundtrack to Iron Man 2 helped.


U2: £85 million

Thanks mostly to their massive 2009 tour, U2 made a colossal £85 million in the last 12 months. Overall the tour clawed in £204 million and if you include merchandise, promotions and CD/MP3 sales, it's easy to see where all the cash came from.

فيلسوف الكويت 07-20-2011 07:49 AM

رد: قائمة اغنى المغنيين Top 10 Music's Richest Stars

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