Legendary Saudi singer Muhammad Abdu surprised his fans and close friends when he announced his marriage to a French-Algerian woman, local daily Shams newspaper reported.
The marriage came three months after he was admitted to a local hospital in France when he suffered three heart attacks. Close friends of Abdu said the bride is still studying at university.
The artist put his career on hold until he recovered from his illness. There were rumours in 2009 that Abdu was married to a woman in her 20s from the UAE.
فاجأ الفنان محمد عبده جمهوره واصدقاءه عند اعلانه عن زواجه من فتاة فرنسيه من اصل جزائري التي لازالت طالبه في الجامعه تم الزواج بعد ثلاثة اشهر من دخوله في المستشفى بفرنسا حينما كان يتلقى العلاج هناك من الذبحة الصدرية وتوقفه عن الغناء مؤقتا بسبب مرضه يذكر ان هناك اشاعات كانت تروج عن عزمه من الزواج من فتاة عشرينية من الامارات ..، lpl] uf]i dj.,[ tjhm tvksdm
lpl] uf]i dj.,[ tjhm tvksdm lpl] uf]i dj.,[ tjhm tvksdm