هـآذي مقـابلة إيما واتسون مع مجلة الجامعة وهـآذي هي المقـابلة :-
On whether or not she's worried about always being seen only as her "Potter" character:
"It’s funny, everyone keeps asking me that. I don’t feel scared at all. She is such an amazing role, such an amazing character. I don’t really want people to forget."
On role models as far as actresses are concerned:
"There’s a few: Jodie Foster, Gwyneth Paltrow, Hilary Swank, Cate Blanchett, Meryl Streep, Natalie Portman. Those are the kind of actresses that I idolize I guess. But I follow my own path I think."
On shortening up her hairdo:
“With short hair you’ve got to be a bit bolder, there’s nothing to hide behind. So it’s made me be bolder in my fashion choices. It’s actually made me more confident as a person I think. I’m not sure why that is. But it has.”
On whether her massive bank account and height of stardom are scary:
"The fame aspect has certainly been intimidating and overwhelming at times. And that kind of stigma that surrounds being a child actress. Journalists have actually asked me “do you think you’re messed up?” I don’t know what they expect me to say. I don’t know really how to answer. But from the get-go, there’s always been that kind of expectation that we were sort of doomed in a way. But I don’t feel that way. Actually the fame was quite progressive. It sort of built, it didn’t…it got bigger and bigger as time went on. I was known for Hermione before I was known for being Emma Watson. So it’s been more of a gentle transition into that."
On the frightening scenes from the final "Harry Potter" film:
“It was a bit scary at times. We didn’t really have much training or much warning sometimes. As much as they can prepare you or put stunt doubles in there, there’s a certain amount that you have to do yourself. You can’t get away from doing nothing. I guess that was scary.”
On keeping so busy with school and work despite being financially set for life:
"I just love learning. I’m like addicted to learning. I just want to know as much as I possibly can. It’s never enough for me. And I’ll never stop. I just really love knowledge. Addicted!"
وهـآذي بعض الصور داخل المجلة :-
وإذا في حد مـاافهمـ يقولي بجيـبله الترجمـة :)
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