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فاطمه القحطاني 06-12-2011 11:11 PM

فلو ردا يدخل السجن لقياده السياره تجت تأثير الكحولFlo Rida Arrested For DUI
القى القبض عليه في ميامي امسكته وكان تحت تأثير الكحول


Things aren't looking up for Flo Rida. The "Low" rapper was arrested early Thursday morning (June 9) in Miami Beach after cops noticed the 31-year-old swerving his red and black 2008 Bugatti shortly before 4 a.m.
Flo (real name: Tramar Dillard) was charged with driving under the influence and driving with a suspended license. According to the Miami Herald, when police signaled for Flo Rida to pull over as he drove down Fifth Street, he didn't stop immediately but did slow down, swerving several times before pulling the vehicle over near Lennox Avenue.
The rapper reportedly admitted to police that he had been drinking when cops began to administer a sobriety test. "Officer, I can't do this," he said. "I can't walk a straight line. I had a few drinks."
Flo Rida then told the arresting officers that he lived close by and was able to make it home. A gathering crowd also pleaded with cops, asking them to let the hip-hop star go; a few even offered to drive him home. The rapper was arrested and taken to the Miami Beach Police Department, where he remains jailed. The hitmaker's alcohol level was reportedly measured at 0.185.
The recent arrest is not typical behavior for the pop-rapper, who is known for his high-powered club tracks like the #1 Billboard hit "Right Round."

عهود المحبه 06-13-2011 03:22 AM

رد: فلو ردا يدخل السجن لقياده السياره تجت تأثير الكحولFlo Rida Arrested For DUI
الله يعطيك العافيه

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عبدالعزيز الفدغوش 06-13-2011 04:11 PM

رد: فلو ردا يدخل السجن لقياده السياره تجت تأثير الكحولFlo Rida Arrested For DUI
الله يعطيك الصحة والعافية

وبوركت كل الجهود الوافية

ذكرى الغالي 06-13-2011 04:55 PM

رد: فلو ردا يدخل السجن لقياده السياره تجت تأثير الكحولFlo Rida Arrested For DUI
سلمت يداك
تقديري وامتناني لشخصك وطرحك
ذكرى الغالي

فيلسوف الكويت 06-14-2011 12:10 AM

رد: فلو ردا يدخل السجن لقياده السياره تجت تأثير الكحولFlo Rida Arrested For DUI
جهود تستحق الثناء
يعطيك العافية ودمت متألقا على الدوام
هذا وتقبل مني أغلى تحية ... فيلسوف الكويت

الجادل 06-14-2011 12:08 PM

رد: فلو ردا يدخل السجن لقياده السياره تجت تأثير الكحولFlo Rida Arrested For DUI

احلام الماضي 06-14-2011 02:03 PM

رد: فلو ردا يدخل السجن لقياده السياره تجت تأثير الكحولFlo Rida Arrested For DUI

الساعة الآن 12:39 PM.

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