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قديم 06-01-2023, 06:13 PM
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  ابراهيم كمال متواجد حالياً  
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افتراضي مزايا العمل المستقل


Working as a freelancer can be a beneficial alternative for those who are unemployed or wish to gain new experiences. A freelancer can be hired to work on either a single project or a package of services. Some of the main benefits include networking opportunities and flexibility in terms of factors such as working hours and locations.

Freelancers work autonomously and do not have an employment relationship. They can provide services to different companies from anywhere, but they need to have the necessary tools for the job. The payment method can also vary according to the agreement between the parties involved.

According to a study conducted by Freela Web, a platform that connects freelancers with various companies in Latin America, the number of professionals promoting their services on the platform increased from 2.8 million to 3.2 million between 2022 and 2023. Meanwhile, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) reported that over 12 million Brazilians were affected by unemployment at the end of last year in the formal job market.

With the growing demand and search for freelance services, it is important for professionals interested in staying in this field or transitioning to it to be aware of its advantages.

Formalizing the FieldFirst and foremost, it's important to know that self-employed workers do not have the same rights as those employed under the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) regime.

However, it is possible to overcome this issue by formalizing one's work as a Microentrepreneur Individual (MEI). This way, the professional can access benefits provided by the federal government, such as sickness benefits and retirement.

Network of ContactsThe famous and essential networking allows workers to connect with clients and companies from different regions and diverse market experiences.

For freelancers, this possibility is even more valuable since the more clients and contacts they have, the more projects, referrals, and opportunities for better compensation they will have.

Flexibility in Various AspectsAccording to Freela Web reports from 2022 to 2023, 95% of freelancers consider the ability to work from home as crucial when choosing a job.

The specific reasons mentioned include the need to manage their own schedules, the opportunity to fulfill tasks from any location, the ability to choose which projects to be a part of, and the desire to be professionally involved in what they love.

Not being limited to a fixed salary, earning extra income, and seeking an alternative to unemployment are also motivations and possibilities for freelancers.

More ExperienceSince freelancers do not have an employment relationship and provide independent services, they encounter versatility in their roles and can gain knowledge and experience in different sectors within their field.

For example, the freelancer can enrich their resume with this varied experience and highlight the main activities they have undertaken during a specific period. This option is also valuable for those who are unemployed and wish to stay active and updated while not yet entering the formal job market, as well as for those who are starting their careers and need to be part of the workforce as soon as possible.



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