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وجهات أخرى للدراسة في الخارج International students have their reasons why they aspire to study in the United States. One reason for choosing the US is its reputation for higher-education programs and the location of 50% of the world's top 50 universities. Also, highly regarded field experts, advanced technology and research capacities are also some of the reasons for international students. However, there are other countries aside from the US which international students also frequent. In this article, top countries for international students will be discussed to give you an idea of where to head next. [h2]1. United Kingdom [/h2]This country is considered as the most popular destination for students for its shorter courses compared to other countries which would consequently reduce tuition, additional university fees, and living expenses. Most importantly, shorter courses would permit international students to obtain a degree and eventually facilitate rapid professional growth without needing to live out of their home country for a longer duration. Aside from its shorter courses, English is spoken almost everywhere which can make life a lot easier in terms of communicating with the locals. However the cost of living in the UK is expensive, and if this is a concern for you, you might need to apply for scholarships or financial aid in your chosen university to slightly help with your expenses. Lastly, you can also expect a very rich cultural difference among its people upon arrival. [h2]2. Australia [/h2]Universities in this country offer excellent value for money with a standard of living among the highest in the world. Compared to the UK and USA, Australia has less expensive tuition fees and living expenses aside from paying its interns while studying. The value for money attracts students to pursue a degree in this country. Similar to the UK, Australia is also a multicultural country with a wide range of openness to different tradition and culture being populated with various nationalities including Chinese, Europeans, Indians, Filipinos, and Koreans. However, if you are fond of the cold weather, Australia may not be for you since there is a possibility of year-long summer being in the southern hemisphere opposite to North America and Europe. [h2]3. France [/h2]This country also present its multiculturalism as part of the study experience. Universities bring together cultures from different parts of the world along with France's picturesque cities and excellent variety of social life. Students can also be pleased with the proximity of other European countries to France as well as major cities known as travel destinations. Aside from its view, students also have the option to speak in English or French to communicate with the people. However, for some universities outside the country's main centers, it is highly recommended to learn the French language since some communities might not to be able to speak in English fluently. Moreover, union protests can also affect your studies in this country since occasional protests shut the country down. [h2]Germany [/h2]This country is known for its Oktoberfest and Neuschwanstein Castle as Disney's inspiration for its castle design. Along with these attractions, students are also lured to Germany's world-class education and its culture. Germany is also a great place for hard sciences, business as well as academic internships. Some of these internships are even conducted in the world's biggest innovation companies. Compared to Australia, the UK, and the USA, Germany's efficacy is high inside and outside the classroom as an effect of its administrative policies and procedures. Nonetheless, some students may find it difficult to adjust to their courses since prior German language study may be necessary. However, most university programs are conducted in either English or German language. [h4]Multiculturalism and value for money are among the essential factors international students consider in choosing a destination country. Not only to obtain a degree from top universities but also to enjoy the place for as long as they are allowed to. Lastly, international students also consider rich experience during an internship in deciding where to apply for a degree abroad. References [/h4]Bhardwa, S. (2018, March 15). The world's most popular student cities. Retrieved March 31, 2019, from https://www.timeshighereducation.com...student-cities Why These 4 Countries Attract The Most International Students. (2018, April 06). Retrieved March 31, 2019, from https://www.qs.com/4-countries-attra...onal-students/ Zarembra, J. (2018, June 20). Top 10 Study Abroad Destinations for 2018-2019. Retrieved March 31, 2019, from https://www.goabroad.com/articles/st...tions-for-2017 https://wedoyouressay.com/beyond-the...udying-abroad/ |
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