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فاطمه القحطاني 06-03-2011 01:01 PM

بينك تنجب مولوده انثى P!nk Welcomes Baby Girl

Congrats to Pink and her hubby Carey Hart! The coupled welcomed their first child Willow Sage today. After what seemed like a prolonged pregnancy, she finally delivered her bundle of joy.
The singer tweeted the news directly to fans saying, “We are ecstatic to welcome our new beautiful healthy happy baby girl, Willow Sage Hart. She’s gorgeous, just like her daddy. #beyondblessed
The singer was seen walking into Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Thursday afternoon, which immediately sparked speculation that she was ready to give birth. However, one news outlet reported that there some complications that forced her to have a C-section.
“Pink’s baby was breached, so they were going to schedule a C-section if the baby didn’t correct its position,” a source close to the action told RadarOnline. “Her last check-up was on May 12 and she was expected to give birth three weeks from then, so today is perfect timing!”
The singer revealed she was preggers to Ellen DeGeneres back in November 2010, saying:
“I didn’t want to talk about it because I was just really nervous and I have had a miscarriage before … I worked for it. … It was not an ‘oops.’”
At the time, she said her doctor believed the baby would be a girl.
True to her pop rebel style, the outspoken performer later sent out a bunch of Tweets expressing dissatisfaction with pics of her growing bump.
She said of the photogs:
“ALRIGHT… because paparazzi of today have absolutely no photographic skill or artistry whatsoever, and their pictures are hideous, I’m going to post a self-portrait I took yesterday morning for all of you asking to see belly shots. 3 wks (weeks) of photo classes for me and I am already a far better photographer than any one of them….. “

احلام الماضي 06-03-2011 07:20 PM

رد: بينك تنجب مولوده انثى P!nk Welcomes Baby Girl
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ذكرى الغالي 06-03-2011 07:29 PM

رد: بينك تنجب مولوده انثى P!nk Welcomes Baby Girl

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فيلسوف الكويت 06-03-2011 11:15 PM

رد: بينك تنجب مولوده انثى P!nk Welcomes Baby Girl
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عهود المحبه 06-04-2011 05:45 AM

رد: بينك تنجب مولوده انثى P!nk Welcomes Baby Girl
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عبدالعزيز الفدغوش 10-15-2011 04:01 PM

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