05-02-2021, 03:32 AM
تحميل برنامج Tally Prime تحميل برنامج Tally Prime | إعداد تالي رئيس الوزراء | تالي مجاني | البرنامج التعليمي خطوة بخطوة | اللغة الإنجليزية 2021 لمشادهدة الفيديو عبر اليوتيوب عبر الرابط التالي
Your business and its needs are unique, so Tally Prime is designed to be free of any rigid processes. Your business might need only one installation of Tally Prime for one computer, or it might need multiple installations for many computers in your office network. If you already have a version of Tally installed on your computer, then Setup Manager will detect the last installation and help you update to Tally Prime. On the other hand, if you are new to Tally, then the Setup Manager will ensure a smooth installation of TallyPrime.
Following computer technical requirements:
- Operating system (OS) - Microsoft Windows 7 or above
- Bits - 64-bit applications (for the OS and other applications such as MS Excel, Adobe Acrobat, and so on)
- Memory (RAM) - A minimum of 512 MB
- Storage - A minimum available space of 512 MB on your hard disk, cloud location, and so on
How to install setup -
- Download Tally Prime from above link
- Double-click the setup.exe file. The Install Application screen appears.
- Press C (Configure) if you want to change the default settings.
- Press I (Install) to continue the installation.
- After installation, you will be asked to configure some basic settings such as the data path, country, and accounting terminology, and so on. These settings will be carried forward on your journey with Tally Prime.
- If you want to explore additional settings, then go to F1 (Help) for settings from anywhere in the product. Here you can find a host of settings for your license, language, application startup, display, connectivity, and so on.
- Do not use any crack/pirated software version. Use license version to keep your computer safe, technical support, more advance features & security.
#TallyPrime​ #TallyPrimeDownload​ #TallyPrimeInstall​ #TechGoodle​
Tally Prime download link - https://tallysolutions.com/download
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- المصدر : شبكة الشموخ الأدبية
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ابراهيم كمال - القسم :
منتدى الدعاية والإعلان - رابط الموضوع الأصلي : تحميل برنامج Tally Prime |