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alshmo5 06-01-2011 08:01 PM

اديل انتهت من تسجيل 5 اغاني من البومها القادم وتتكلم عنه Adele Talks Third Album

اديل انتهت من تسجيل 5 اغاني من البومها القادم وتتكلم عنه Adele Talks Third Album


Goddess Adele has reached unprecedented levels of success with her latest album, 21, but that doesn't mean that the singer is slowing down anytime soon.
In fact, she recently revealed that she's already hard at work on her Third album, which will be featuring a cover of the INXS track Never Tear Us Apart!
She explains:
"I have five tracks ready to go. One of them is quite upbeat - a real 'girl power' type of song. I plan to do a cover of the INXS hit 'Never Tear Us Apart' which is probably my fave song of all time. The whole Album will have quite a live feel to it."
h]dg hkjij lk js[dg 5 hyhkd hgf,lih hgrh]l ,jj;gl uki Adele Talks Third Album

الساعة الآن 09:48 AM.

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