05-13-2011, 03:14 PM
آمبر روز تواعد ويز خليفه بدل من كانيه ويست Amber Rose Calls Wiz Khalifa An Upgrade Fr آمبر , روز , تواعد , ويز , خليفه , بدل , من , كانيه , ويست , Amber , Rose , Calls , Wiz , Khalifa , An , Upgrade , From , Kanye , West Amber Rose caused quite the scandal when she started dating rapper Wiz Khalifa after a much-publicized romance - and subsequent break-up - with Kanye West, and she recently revealed that she thinks that her new man is one hell of an Upgrade From her last! She explains:"I chilled with him for two weeks. We didn't kiss or nothing. Then he left for Pittsburgh and when he left I was so lost without him. He's a grown man about his business, and a positive person who always has a smile on his face. There's no comparison in personalities. You know when people say, 'How do you go From Kanye to Wiz Khalifa, that's a downgrade.' But the only question I can ask them is: Have you ever dated Kanye? Because I have, and believe me, I did not downgrade at all. Not in any aspect, at all." تركت كانيه ويست وحبت ويز خليفه !! وقالت كلام قوي !! انه ويز افضل من كانيه ويست بمراحل !
Nlfv v,. j,hu] ,d. ogdti f]g lk ;hkdi ,dsj Amber Rose Calls Wiz Khalifa An Upgrade Fr Nlfv v,. j,hu] ,d. ogdti f]g lk ;hkdi ,dsj Amber Rose Calls Wiz Khalifa An Upgrade From Kanye West جميع الحقوق محفوظة وحتى لاتتعرض
للمسائلة القانونية بسبب مخالفة قانون حماية الملكية الفكرية يجب ذكر :
- المصدر : شبكة الشموخ الأدبية
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فاطمه القحطاني - القسم :
منتدى الفن - رابط الموضوع الأصلي : آمبر روز تواعد ويز خليفه بدل من كانيه ويست Amber Rose Calls Wiz Khalifa An Upgrade Fr |