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alshmo5 05-10-2011 03:25 PM

ديمي لوفاتو وعود جديدة: السينجل قريب جداً
Demi Lovato Promises New Single Coming VERY Soon

ما عندي وقت اترجم سوري مستعجل بنام هع

Lovatics that follow Demi Lovato on Twitter got some good news the other day, according to Disney Infonet. A Demi fan asked about information on Demi’s next single, and Demi replied,

“soon…. ;) VERY soon… #LovatoNewSingle”

Demi didn’t reveal any other information on the subject, switching instead to sharing her views about the Lakers and tweeting about Mother’s Day, but that little snippet of info was enough to get all of Demi’s fans excited.

Still, it may take a little while to get a new track out since Demi’s schedule includes her new blog for Seventeen.com and taking time out to be a bridesmaid.

Are you excited to hear that Demi will bringing out new music soon?

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الساعة الآن 09:58 AM.

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