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قديم 05-01-2011, 12:50 AM

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افتراضي حصريااا: اغنية -:: No Love ::- لـ EMinEM Ft. Lil Wayne

حصريااا: اغنية Love EMinEM Wayne

حصريااا: اغنية Love EMinEM Wayne

Video: AVC, 1920x1080 2 091 Kbps, 23.976 fps
Audio 1: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 channels, 122 Kbps

حصريااا: اغنية Love EMinEM Wayne

حصريااا: اغنية Love EMinEM Wayne

حصريااا: اغنية Love EMinEM Wayne



رابــــوابط اضافة :..




انصحكم بالــ ام بي ثري لمن ليست لدية سرعةاتصال عالية ^_^

MP3 :> اقتباس:
Eminem : No Love كلمات اغنية

حصريااا: اغنية Love EMinEM Wayne

Young Money yeah... uh
Throw dirt on me and grow a wildflower
But it's "**** the world", get a child out her
Yeah, my life a *****, but you know nothing 'bout her
Been to hell and back, I can show you vouchers
I'm rolling sweets, I'm smoking sour
Married to the game but she broke her vows
That's why my bars are full of broken bottles
And my night stands are full of open bibles
I think about more than I forget
But I don't go around fire expecting not to sweat
And these niqqas know I lay them down, make your bed
*****es try to kick me while I'm down, I'll break your leg
Money outweighing problems on the triple beam
I'm sticking to the script, you niqqas skipping scenes
Be good or be good at it
****ing right I've got my gun, semi-Cartermatic
Yeah, put the dick in they mouth, so I guess it's "**** what they say"
I'm high as a *****, up, up and away
Man, I come down in a couple of days
OK, you want me up in the cage, then I'll come out in beast mode
I got this world stuck in the safe, combination is the G-code
It's Weezy mother****er, blood gang and I'm in bleed mode
All about my dough, but I don't even check the peephole
So you can keep knocking but won't knock me down
No Love lost, no Love found


It's a little too late to say that you're sorry now
You kicked me when I was down
But what you say just (don't hurt me, it don't hurt me, no more)
***** you get (no love)
You show me nothing but hate
You ran me into the ground
But what comes around goes around
And you don't (don't hurt me)
You (don't hurt me no more)
***** you get (no love, no love, no love, no love)
***** you get (no love, no love, no love)
And I don't need you (no more)
Get em

(Verse 2)

I'm alive again
More alive than I have been in my whole entire life
I can see these people's ears perk up as I begin
To spaz with the pen, I'm a little bit sicker than most
Shit's finna get thick again
They say the competition is stiff
But I get a hard dick from this shit, now stick it in
I ain't never giving in again
Caution to the wind, complete freedom
Look at these rappers, how I treat 'em
So why the **** would I join 'em when I beat 'em
They call me a freak cause
I like to spit on these pussies fore I eat 'em
Man get these whack cocksuckers off stage
Where the **** is Kanye when you need him?
Snatch the mic from him, ***** Imma let you finish in a minute
Yeah the rap is tight
But I'm 'bout to spit the greatest verse of all time
So you might want to go back to the lab tonight and um
Scribble out them rhymes you were going to spit
And start over from scratch and write new ones
But I'm afraid that it ain't gonna make no difference
When I rip this stage and tear it in half tonight
It's an adrenaline rush to feel the bass thump
In the place all the way to the parking lot, fellow
Set fire to the mic and ignite the crowd
You can see the sparks from hot metal
Cold-hearted from the day I Bogarted the game
I so started to rock fellow
When I'm not even in my harshest
You can still get roasted because Marsh is not mellow
'Til I'm toppling from the top I'm not going to stop
I'm standing on my Monopoly board
That means I'm on top of my game and it don't stop
'Til my hip don't hop anymore
When you so good that you can't say it
Because it ain't even cool for you to sound cocky anymore
People just get sick cause you spit
These fools can't drool or dribble a drop anymore
And you can never break my stride
You never slow the momentum at any moment I'm about to blow
You'll never take my pride
Killing the flow, slow venom any opponent
Is getting no mercy, mark my words
Ain't letting up, relentless
I smell blood, I don't give a ****, keep giving 'em hell
Where was you when I fell and needed help up?
You get no Love


It's a little too late to say that you're sorry now
You kicked me when I was down
But what you say, just (don't hurt me, it don't hurt me, no more)
***** you get (no love)
You show me nothing but hate
You ran me into the ground
But what comes around goes around
And you don't (don't hurt me)
You (don't hurt me no more)
***** you get (no love, no love, no love, no love)
***** you get (no love, no love, no love)
And I don't need you (no more)
***** you get no (love)

pwvdhhh: hykdm -:: No Love ::- gJ EMinEM Ft> Lil Wayne

pwvdhhh: hykdm -:: No Love ::- gJ EMinEM Ft> Lil Wayne pwvdhhh: hykdm -:: No Love ::- gJ EMinEM Ft> Lil Wayne

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حصريااا:, اغنية, -::, No, Love, ::-, لـ, EMinEM, Ft., Lil, Wayne

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المواضيع المتشابهه الموضوع: حصريااا: اغنية -:: No Love ::- لـ EMinEM Ft. Lil Wayne
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استماع اغنية كيلي رولاند مع ليل وايني الجديده Kelly Rowland Feat.Lil Wayne Motivation alshmo5 مجلة الشموخ الثقافية 0 03-04-2011 05:00 PM


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