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Ryan phillippe is retiring! While the rest of the world have to wait until 65 before they can retire, Hollywood residents are pretty much free to do it a good 20-30 years premature! Ryan Phillippe recently revealed that he plans on putting an end to his acting career at the mere age of 36. The reason he says, is because after 20 years in the spotlight, he has grown pretty tired of it and now wants to spend more time in New York. Are you guys going to miss him on the big screen, or was his hotness days sort of coming to an end anyway? http://www.sdcdn.com/cms/magazine/61275/7c0bb_7.jpg?1 http://www.sdcdn.com/cms/magazine/61275/db068_8.jpg?1 http://www.sdcdn.com/cms/magazine/61275/a7f73_9.jpg?1 http://www.sdcdn.com/cms/magazine/61275/fa411_10.jpg?1 http://www.sdcdn.com/cms/magazine/61275/f43f6_11.jpg?1 http://www.sdcdn.com/cms/magazine/61275/4ca2b_12.jpg?1 ردود ـد عـاد |
رد: Ryan phillippe is retiring! كل الشكر لك |
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رد: Ryan phillippe is retiring! جهودك محل الإعجاب والتقدير ولك في نوافذ التميز وجود وتأثير |
رد: Ryan phillippe is retiring! جهود تستحق الثناء يعطيك العافية ودمت متألقا على الدوام هذا وتقبل مني أغلى تحية ... فيلسوف الكويت |
رد: Ryan phillippe is retiring! الله يعطيك العافيه على جهودك الرائعه تحيتي لك |
الساعة الآن 03:17 PM. |
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