اتكلم من موبايل سوني اريكسون Skype mopile بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم دلوقت تقدر تكلم اي حد في العالم مع برنامج Skype mopile
Today, Skype announced the release of a new flavor of their mobile application for devices running under the Symbian operating system, namely Skype 2.0 for Symbian, which a nice range of new features included into the mix, complemented by fixes and new features.
seC702 seC902 seG502 seG700 seG900
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Skype mopile
hj;gl lk l,fhdg s,kd hvd;s,k Skype mopile hj;gl lk l,fhdg s,kd hvd;s,k Skype mopile