04-20-2011, 12:52 AM
نسخه الويندز 8 المزهله Windows 8 Build 7850 Enterprise نسخه الويندز 8 المزهله Windows 8 Build 7850 Enterprise بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Windows 8 Build 7850 Enterprise (m1 Final) x86 (2011/ENG) | 2.45 GB حصري حمل نسخه ويندز 8
فعلا تستحق التغيير من اجلهااا في سرعه الاداء وشكلهاا الاكثر من رائع The network has a new test Build of Windows 8. Leaked to the network installation CD image is designated as 6.1.7850.0.winmain_win8m1.100922-1508_x86fre_client-enterprise_en-us.iso, reports NeoWin, specifying that it is the final version of the M1 (Milestone 1) and final assembly 6.1.x. Indeed, the name of the image that this Build is built on 22 September last year, He refers to the stage of development called Windows 8 Milestone 1, which has long been over, because now, according to rumors, Microsoft is working on Milestone 3. downlood
ksoi hg,dk]. 8 hgl.igi Windows Build 7850 Enterprise ksoi hg,dk]. 8 hgl.igi Windows Build جميع الحقوق محفوظة وحتى لاتتعرض
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مجلة الشموخ الثقافية - رابط الموضوع الأصلي : نسخه الويندز 8 المزهله Windows 8 Build 7850 Enterprise |