04-10-2011, 01:32 AM
تور فرقة U2 باسم "U2 360" هو الأكثر ربحا في تاريخ الموسيقى - U2 Scores The #1 Tour in تور , فرقة , U2 , باسم , "U2 , 360" , هو , الأكثر , ربحا , في , تاريخ , الموسيقى , - , U2 , Scores , The , #1 , Tour , in :thumbup1::thumbup1::thumbup1: When the doors open Sunday night for U2's second show at Morumbi Stadium in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the band's 360 Tour will become the highest grossing Tour in history.
In Sao Paulo, U2 360 will pass the $558 million gross mark set by the Rolling Stones for their A Bigger Bang Tour of 2005-2007. U2 will go on to shatter the record at about $700 million by the time it wraps in North America July 30 at Magnetic Hill in Moncton, N.B., and when all the numbers come in be recorded in Billboard Boxscore as the biggest trek ever. The Tour returns to North America May 21 in Denver.
360 will also have moved more than 7 million tickets to 110 shows, enough to capture the "highest attended Tour ever" mantle, as well. The Stones are also the band to vacate that title, as their Voodoo Lounge Tour of 1994-1995 had held the attendance record at 6.4 million tickets, according to Boxscore.
Owning the "biggest Tour ever" record is "something we're very proud of having set," band manager Paul McGuinness tells Billboard. "And to set it with a further 20-plus shows to go on the Tour is kind of mind-blowing. It means that it's a record that will probably never be outstripped
j,v tvrm U2 fhsl "U2 360" i, hgH;ev vfph td jhvdo hgl,sdrn - Scores The #1 Tour in j,v tvrm U2 fhsl "U2 360" i, hgH;ev vfph td jhvdo hgl,sdrn - Scores The #1 جميع الحقوق محفوظة وحتى لاتتعرض
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مجلة الشموخ الثقافية - رابط الموضوع الأصلي : تور فرقة U2 باسم "U2 360" هو الأكثر ربحا في تاريخ الموسيقى - U2 Scores The #1 Tour in |