“When I heard it, I felt like my fans need this song right now, especially with Twitter and Facebook. I feel like it’s really negative for me. Within that world, there’s just such easy access to people’s feelings. This song is such a great message to my fans, and it really touched me when I heard it. Basically, it’s to the haters, it’s to the people who try to bring you down.”
الترجمه باختصاار :
عندما سمعت الاغنيه شعررت انه المعجبين بحااجه لهذي الاغنيه في الوقت الحااالي
و خصووصاا في التويتر و الفيس بوك و اشعرر انا سليبه بالنسبه لي هذي الاغنيه
رساله راائعه لمعجبيني