03-01-2011, 12:40 AM
ديمي لوفاتو تفوز بجائزة المراهق الأكثر أناقة Congratulations Demi Lovato! The superstar teen has scored over 299,000 votes to take out 'The Hot Hits Live From LA' Most Stylish Teen Star Awards 2011!
The race was on between Demi and Justin Bieber, with barely any votes seperating the pair for the majority of the voting period. But over the last couple of days Demi's incredible fans gave her the winning edge!
This is the second big win for Demi in the last couple of months after she took out 'The Hot Hits Top Teen Star Of 2010' back in December. You guys obviously love Demi's casual chic style, and also her ability to seriously rock a red carpet event!
All in all there was over 660,000 votes for 'The Hot Hits Live From LA' Most Stylish Teen Star Awards 2011, a record for 'The Hot Hits'...an incredible result, thanks so much for voting guys!
Here are the final results: 1. Demi Lovato 45.31% (299,278 votes)
2. Justin Bieber 40.92% (270,273 votes)
3. Miley Cyrus 4.21% (27,790 votes)
4. Nick Jonas 3.45% (22,795 votes)
5. Selena Gomez 3.12% (20,614 votes)
6. Taylor Momsen 1.91% (12,594 votes)
7. Taylor Lautner 0.6% (3,964 votes)
8. Cody Simpson 0.49% (3,221 votes) لو تلاحظون انها استحوذت على حول نص التصويتات :d سي يو اراوند
]dld g,thj, jt,. f[hz.m hglvhir hgH;ev Hkhrm ]dld g,thj, jt,. f[hz.m hglvhir hgH;ev Hkhrm جميع الحقوق محفوظة وحتى لاتتعرض
للمسائلة القانونية بسبب مخالفة قانون حماية الملكية الفكرية يجب ذكر :
- المصدر : شبكة الشموخ الأدبية
- الكاتب :
فاطمه القحطاني - القسم :
منتدى الفن - رابط الموضوع الأصلي : ديمي لوفاتو تفوز بجائزة المراهق الأكثر أناقة |