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افتراضي افضل عشره اغاني بوب لعام 2011 Top Pop Songs of 2011 (EXCLUSIVE)

افضل عشره اغاني بوب لعام 2011 Top Pop Songs of 2011 (EXCLUSIVE)

Top Pop Songs of 2011 (EXCLUSIVE)

افضل عشره اغاني لعام 2011

1. 'Till the World Ends,' Britney Spears:woot1:

After a year of uprisings, occupations and riots, no song quite captured 2011's end-of-days vibe like Brit's biggest, boldest epic yet. Sure, the charts have been filled with similar electro bangers since Britney herself ushered in pop's rave-ival during her 'Blackout' days, but 'Til The World Ends' outshines 'em with the sinister euphoria of an exploding sun. And yes, it was better than the remix. -- Joshua Ostroff

2. 'Someone Like You,' Adele

Broken-heart ballads sell ... just ask British songstress Adele, who's smash hit 'Someone Like You' connected to lovelorn masses across the globe. The single, off her platinum-selling CD, '21,' isn't just drawing mass appeal, but critical acclaim as well. Adele's weepy song of moving on post-split is nominated for a Best Pop Solo Performance Grammy Award. -- Sarah Chazan

3. 'Party Rock Anthem,' LMFAO

People are always shocked to hear that LMFAO are related to Motown Records founder Berry Gordy -- a man known for being all business. But these guys ... they don't take themselves seriously at all, and that's why we love them. You can diss 'Party Rock's self-aware simplicity all you want, but this aptly-title anthem will be filling dancefloors forever. It may not be soul, but that sure sounds like a classic to me. -- JO

4. 'Call Your Girlfriend,' Robyn

After dancing on her own last year, Sweden's greatest popsmith returns as the other woman. In this throbbing club ballad, Robyn may have won the guy, but she's mostly concerned with making sure the girlfriend is let down easy. It's a rare angle to approach a love triangle and perfect example to play for anyone who says pop music has no heart. -- JO

5. 'The Edge of Glory,' Lady Gaga

Mother Monster had one monster year! But of all her brilliant 'Born This Way' chart toppers of 2011, we've picked 'The Edge of Glory' for our best of the best list. The song, which was inspired by Gaga's grandparents' mutual love during the last moments of her late grandfather's life, also features a riveting sax solo by Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band star Clarence Clemons recorded shortly before his own death. The critically acclaimed jam was also a huge commercial hit, peaking at No. 3 on the Billboard Hot 100. -- Contessa Gayles

6. 'Super Bass,' Nicki Minaj

A slice of pop-tinged rap goodness, Nicki Minaj's 'Super Bass' was a welcome departure from the Queens native's earlier gritty tracks. Here, the head Barb showed and proved she could rise to the top of the Billboard charts rhyming -- and singing -- about a dude she's smitten over. Even U.K. Barbs like 8-year-old YouTube sensation Sophia Grace fell in love with the song -- which appeared on the 'Pink Friday' LP -- taking it to the mainstream when she performed alongside Minaj on 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show.' -- Georgette Cline

7. 'Mr. Know It All,' Kelly Clarkson

"You don't know a thing about me." Oh, but we do little Miss Independent. When it comes to girl power anthems, you always have an ace up your sleeve -- the latest being 'Mister Know It All.' This soulful chart-topper sees the pop-rock powerhouse at her most confident as she reads the riot act to a bossy ex. Her American Idol-winning vocal gymnastics could have overwhelmed this pretty number -- so Clarkson wisely downplays the octave-jumping to waltz right into the winner's circle. -- Jenny Charlesworth

8. 'Hello Feat. Dragonette,' Martin Solveig

Veteran Franco-house producer Solveig -- consider him David Guetta's classier compatriot -- hooked up with Canadian electrop-pop act Dragonette to create this charming catchy tune which finally landed the Frenchmen on the worldwide radar. Next gig? Oh, just producing Madonna's new album. -- JO

9. 'Love You Like a Love Song,' Selena Gomez

Miss Gomez steps out from behind boyfriend Bieber's shadow with this meta-romantic dance-pop song that starts out sorta sappy before squelchy synths burble up into the earworm chorus. By the time she starts stuttering "re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat," that's what she's got us doing... and least when it comes to hitting our iPod replay button! -- JO

10. 'We Found Love,' Rihanna

It's soulful, spastic and soooo damn irresistible. Rihanna hits near perfection on this rabid rave-up produced hit by UK dancefloor dynamo Calvin Harris. An emotional voiceover intro from a lovelorn RiRi belies the banger that surges forth from a dramatic clap of thunder. The fist-pumping breakdowns and freakishly addictive beats are only topped by Rihanna's angelic voice as she laments: "We found love in a hopeless place." -- JC

htqg uavi hyhkd f,f guhl 2011 Top Pop Songs of (EXCLUSIVE)

htqg uavi hyhkd f,f guhl 2011 Top Pop Songs of (EXCLUSIVE) htqg uavi hyhkd f,f guhl 2011 Top Pop Songs of

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افضل, عشره, اغاني, بوب, لعام, 2011, Top, Pop, Songs, of, 2011, (EXCLUSIVE)

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المواضيع المتشابهه الموضوع: افضل عشره اغاني بوب لعام 2011 Top Pop Songs of 2011 (EXCLUSIVE)
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى الردود آخر مشاركة
استماع ملخص افضل اغاني 2011 في اغنية واحده ميكس غناء (Pop Medley 2011 (Sam & Kurt alshmo5 مجلة الشموخ الثقافية 0 11-05-2011 11:06 PM
انريكي ايجليسياس يعتلي قائمة Top 50 Songs في Z100's لعام 2011 ! فاطمه القحطاني منتدى الفن 3 10-18-2011 01:54 PM
ما هو افضل عشر اغاني عجبتك فى 2011 alshmo5 مجلة الشموخ الثقافية 0 09-09-2011 01:07 PM
انريكي ايجليسياس يعتلي قائمة Top 50 Songs في Z100's لعام 2011 ! alshmo5 مجلة الشموخ الثقافية 0 07-01-2011 04:49 PM


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