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قديم 12-23-2011, 06:15 PM

ساره الشهري

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افتراضي كريس يكشف قرارات السنة الجديدة؟

Chris Evans: New Year's Resolution Revealed

كريس يكشف قرارات السنة الجديدة؟
Chris Evans opens up to Details magazine in a new interview.
Here’s what the 30-year-old Captain America actor had to share:
On working with his Gucci campaign co-star, Evan Rachel Wood: “She’s awesome. We actually instantly got along because she’s very much my type of girl: Very laid-back, likes to go out and have a good time. And this was a shoot where you have to check your ego at the door because you’re rolling around with your clothes off and it’s intimate, and Evan and I got along right away.”
On his diet and workout routine: “I felt like I’d been working out for over a year straight. So I’ve taken a bit of a break. But when I am working out, diet doesn’t really come into it. I have a pretty fast metabolism, so I don’t really have to worry about getting pudgy…My workout routine isn’t too fancy either. I don’t have some cool P90X thing that I do. I just pick up heavy stuff and put it back down. It’s really simple stuff. It’s like the stuff I learned in high school.”
On his new year’s resolutions: “It’s been, like, the same new year’s resolution for, like, a decade, but I really think I’m going to do it this year. I always say I should do more yoga. Or do yoga—more would mean I do some. I’ve done none. But I always want to do yoga because I’m getting old. Nerves are getting pinched every other day, and I really just gotta get more limber.”

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- المصدر :
شبكة الشموخ الأدبية - الكاتب : ساره الشهري - القسم : منتدى الفن
- رابط الموضوع الأصلي : كريس يكشف قرارات السنة الجديدة؟

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