11-22-2011, 11:40 PM
مؤكد : انريكي لن يقدم ديو مع جنيفر لوبيز Enrique iglesias will not do a due with Jlo مؤكد , : , انريكي , لن , يقدم , ديو , مع , جنيفر , لوبيز , Enrique , iglesias , will , not , do , a , due , with , Jlo
y esterday there was and interview with Enrique iglesias and perez hilton. And thank you perez hilton for choosing my question which was " when is the music video for muth2mouth going to be released?" Enrique said he will not release mouth2mouth because of the leaks. He is really upset that the song will just be tossed in the garbage. Like it never happened. This made me so angry because weve all heard this song because of the leaks. Ive gone to a lot of youtube videos and posted this: "Look this posting of this song really upsets me. Yesterday there was a live chat with enrique and perez hilton. I asked him about mouth2mouth and when is the video going to be released. His answer was that he is not gonna come up with a video because the song was leaked nor will he put it in an album because of all these posts about it.. He isnt even gonna put it on his album. And i know u didnt leak it and u just did it for us to listen to it but know this song is thrown in the garbage." If we can all help we can post this in all the Mouth2Mouth leaks and show them that they should stop doing this. Maybe Enrique when he is looking thru the videos he will see this post and change his mind. Of course u can make ur own but this is just and example. Lets not insult them but tell them that way they stop doing it for fututre Enrique songs. الترجمة : انريكي اكد انه لن يقوم باي ديو مع جنيفر لوبيز بسبب تسرب الاغنية و هيكون في ديو جديد مع DEV الشهر القادم
lc;] : hkvd;d gk dr]l ]d, lu [kdtv g,fd. Enrique iglesias will not do a due with Jlo lc;] : hkvd;d gk dr]l ]d, lu [kdtv g,fd. Enrique iglesias will not do a due with Jlo جميع الحقوق محفوظة وحتى لاتتعرض
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منتدى الفن - رابط الموضوع الأصلي : مؤكد : انريكي لن يقدم ديو مع جنيفر لوبيز Enrique iglesias will not do a due with Jlo |