اديل ,
تعاني ,
من ,
سرطان ,
الحنجره! ,
- ,
adele ,
has ,
a ,
Throat ,
Fears are rising for adele as online rumours emerge that she has Throat cancer. انتشرت اخبار كثير عن اديل و انها تعاني من سرطان الحنجره :(
'#PRAYFORADELE' صارت #1 في التريند و بمده قصيره صارت تريند :(
It was reported yesterday that she will have Throat surgery but was expected to make a full recovery.
A statement read: "Doctors have ordered her to rest her voice and completely recuperate before looking to schedule any work commitments."
We will keep an eye on further developments, but at the moment nothing has been confirmed. Let's hope it's nothing more than a rumour...
الى الآن ما فيه اخبار رسميه.. لكن اتمنى ان يكون اشاعه :(
Get Well soon
h]dg juhkd lk sv'hk hgpk[vi! - adele has a Throat cancer h]dg juhkd lk sv'hk hgpk[vi! - adele has a Throat cancer