تويت ,
من ,
ليندزي ,
لوهان ,
للمتضررين ,
في ,
نيويورك ,
Lindsay ,
Lohan: ,
Say ,
a ,
Prayer ,
for ,
Those ,
Affected ,
by ,
Hurricane ,
Lindsay, who has family in New York, recently tweeted her desire for
Those in the Big Apple to stay safe during
Hurricane Irene.
Everyone please say a Prayer for Those in NY at this current time… my 2 brothers, grandmother, as well as friends are all in NY- god bless” she
j,dj lk gdk].d g,ihk ggljqvvdk td kd,d,v; Lindsay Lohan: Say a Prayer for Those Affec j,dj lk gdk].d g,ihk ggljqvvdk td kd,d,v; Lindsay Lohan: Say a Prayer for Those Affected by Hurricane Irene