الموضوع: Breaking dawn premiere date
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قديم 08-28-2011, 01:32 AM

غرور أنثى

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افتراضي Breaking dawn premiere date

hey how r u??

see this topic

actually i loved it

Breaking dawn premiere date

Yesterday on Twitter it was announced that the Breaking dawn premiere will be Nov 14th!
“The #BreakingDawnPart1 World premiere will be at the Nokia Theatre L.A. LIVE on 11/14! Will you be there?"
What great news! In LA the event will be held in one of Hollywood's most famous theaters, where the Oscars are usually held. Breaking dawn premiere date
For the rest of us, we'll have to wait until the 16th of Nov to see Breaking dawn I in the theaters.

thats all
wait ur comments

Breaking dawn premiere date Breaking dawn premiere date

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