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قديم 08-10-2011, 05:30 PM

غرور أنثى

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الملف الشخصي

افتراضي Kristen: Good friend + good mother

heyyyyy guys

Kristen: Good friend good mother

Taylor and Rob can relax because Kristen will always be there for them!
“I’m a pretty loyal friend,” Kristen told Closer magazine. “Once you become part of my clan, I won’t let go of you very quickly. I made such amazing friends [through Twilight], I’ll always keep them close to my heart.”
Kristen also spoke about her hobbies.“I read a book or take a walk [in my spare time],” she said. “I have to pick and choose where I’m going though. Sometimes, I can become very reclusive. Sometimes I’m like, ‘Oh, I can’t deal with anything right now, I can’t see anybody.’”
Could Kristen and Rob be having a child soon? The star said that she “related” to the maternal aspects of the Twilight Saga.
“I don’t think it’s far-fetched for someone of my age to be having a child,” she said.“One of my best friends just had a baby and she’s very, very, very, young. I definitely related to the maternal aspect of things very strongly.”Kristen: Good friend good mother

wait ur comments

Kristen: Good friend + good mother Kristen: Good friend + good mother

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شبكة الشموخ الأدبية - الكاتب : غرور أنثى - القسم : منتدى الفن
- رابط الموضوع الأصلي : Kristen: Good friend + good mother

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