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قديم 06-21-2011, 08:33 AM

فيلسوف الكويت

كاتب وإعلامي

 بيانات الاتصال بالعضو
 اخر مواضيع العضو
  فيلسوف الكويت غير متواجد حالياً  
الملف الشخصي

افتراضي World's Deepest Swimming Pool‏

Nemo 33 is a recreational diving centre in Brussels, Belgium that is home to the world's deepest swimming pool.

The pool itself consists of a submerged structure with flat platforms at various depth levels.

The pool has two large flat-bottomed areas at depth levels of 5m (16 ft) and 10m (32 ft), and a large circular pit descending to a depth of 33m (108 ft). It is filled with 2,500,000 litres of non-chlorinated, highly filtered spring water maintained at 30°C (86°F) and contains several simulated underwater caves at the 10m depth level.

There are numerous underwater windows that allow outside visitors to look into the pools at various depths. The complex was designed by Belgian diving expert John Beernaerts as a multi-purpose diving instruction, recreational, and film production facility, and opened in 2004.

World's Deepest Swimming Pool‏

World's Deepest Swimming Pool‏

World's Deepest Swimming Pool‏

World's Deepest Swimming Pool‏

World's Deepest Swimming Pool‏

World's Deepest Swimming Pool‏

World's Deepest Swimming Pool‏

مما هو موجود بالإيميل

World's Deepest Swimming Pool‏ deepest pool‏ swimming world's

جميع الحقوق محفوظة وحتى لاتتعرض للمسائلة القانونية بسبب مخالفة قانون حماية الملكية الفكرية يجب ذكر :
- المصدر :
شبكة الشموخ الأدبية - الكاتب : فيلسوف الكويت - القسم : منتدى التصميم والصور
- رابط الموضوع الأصلي : World's Deepest Swimming Pool‏

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة فيلسوف الكويت ; 06-23-2011 الساعة 05:03 PM, السبب: للتأكد من وجود الصور
رد مع اقتباس

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