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قديم 05-23-2011, 03:02 PM

ساره الشهري

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افتراضي tom hanks and roberts team up again for w magazine

hanks roberts team again magazine

Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts have teamed up before the release
of their new film 'Larry Crowne' to pose in the latest issue of W magazine and talked about working together on their new film.
In 'Larry Crowne,' hanks plays the title character who was recently downsized from his high profile job at accompany he's work at since leaving the Navy. Deciding to start his life over, Crowne heads to the local community college and meets Mercedes Tainot, a teacher played by Roberts, who Crowne develops a crush on.
Hanks co-wrote the script and knew all along roberts would be the best person to play opposite him in the film, saying, "Yes, I had some teachers who looked like Julia, I would see them and think, I love you. So there was never anyone but Julia. Still, even after she said yes, I was the boss. That meant I got to say, 'You don’t wear this dress, you wear that dress.' And Julia’s Julia – she can be intimidating."

In the interview, roberts talks about her character that hanks wanted her to play. roberts said, "Why did Tom hanks think of me when he thought of a drunken schoolteacher? What does that mean? He has me chugging margaritas. I asked why it couldn’t be straight liquor, and he said it was funnier if it was a drink made in a blender."
'Larry Crowne' is in theaters on July 1, 2011.
The new issue of W, the magazine's first "Beauty Issue," hits stands on May 24, 2011.

tom hanks and roberts team up again for w magazine tom hanks and roberts team up again for w magazine

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شبكة الشموخ الأدبية - الكاتب : ساره الشهري - القسم : منتدى الفن
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