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قديم 04-24-2011, 09:06 PM



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  alshmo5 غير متواجد حالياً  
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افتراضي LibÉlula: Royal dress makers?

LibÉlula: Royal dress makers?

Photo: Getty Images

Another weekend, another rumor! The latest news from the UK regarding Kate Middleton‘s wedding dress centers around Sophie Cranston, Libélula’s designer. Cranston, who’s arguably the least known of all the designers now floating in the rumor pool, has worked at both Alexander McQueen and Temperley. She won the Designer of the Year Award at London’s Graduate Fashion Week in 1999 and eventually took her label’s name from the Spanish word for dragonfly. Though she’s relatively unknown in the States, her designs have popped up on Emma Watson and Jerry Hall—we couldn’t really imagine two different celebs—Middleton wore a black Libélula coat to a friend’s wedding earlier this year. The news was broken by Yvonne Yorke, the Huffington Post’s Royal Correspondent who says she’s known about Cranston for four months and predicts “another Jason Wu moment.” We still think the three-dress rumor rings true—but the anonymity of Cranston would balance out Sarah Burton and Bruce Oldfield quite well.

LibÉlula: Royal dress makers? LibÉlula: Royal dress makers?

جميع الحقوق محفوظة وحتى لاتتعرض للمسائلة القانونية بسبب مخالفة قانون حماية الملكية الفكرية يجب ذكر :
- المصدر :
شبكة الشموخ الأدبية - الكاتب : alshmo5 - القسم : مجلة الشموخ الثقافية
- رابط الموضوع الأصلي : LibÉlula: Royal dress makers?


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