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قديم 03-29-2011, 12:41 AM

ساره الشهري

شامخ مميز

 بيانات الاتصال بالعضو
 اخر مواضيع العضو
  ساره الشهري غير متواجد حالياً  
الملف الشخصي

افتراضي صورة ماثيو ماكنهوني ع غلآف مجلة Esquire


صورة ماثيو ماكنهوني غلآف مجلة

On taking time off between movies: “I’ve done that before. I went to Peru after A Time to Kill. I had a lot to think about. Just grabbed a bag and left. And I went up and further in, until I was about as uncomfortable and unfamiliar with things as I could be. You know why I don’t go to Europe for these trips? Because in Europe everything pretty much works, or it almost works. I mean, it’s almost what I’m used to. But Peru, Mali, Morocco? Nothing works. Nothing. So you have to give up on what you know.”

On people’s perception of him: “Do I think the image of me is a true picture of who I am? No, it’s incomplete. But things about me that are out there — I’m not going to say they’re false. Am I a fun-loving guy, man? Who likes running around in the summer with his shirt off, man? Am I a guy who likes to hang out with his friends, and party and go to concerts and football games with his friends? Well, yeah! Yes, I am. Always have been. Always hopefully will be. You know?”
صورة ماثيو ماكنهوني غلآف مجلة


w,vm lhed, lh;ki,kd u ygNt l[gm Esquire w,vm lhed, lh;ki,kd u ygNt l[gm Esquire

جميع الحقوق محفوظة وحتى لاتتعرض للمسائلة القانونية بسبب مخالفة قانون حماية الملكية الفكرية يجب ذكر :
- المصدر :
شبكة الشموخ الأدبية - الكاتب : ساره الشهري - القسم : منتدى الفن
- رابط الموضوع الأصلي : صورة ماثيو ماكنهوني ع غلآف مجلة Esquire

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